UA Curry 6 ICON “United We Win”

2018 年11 月,有一位小妺妹 Riley Morrison 寫咗一封信俾 Stephen Curry ,期後佢真係收到「史蒂芬居里回信」,仲公開約定佢係 3/8 國際婦女節見面

“I was immediately impressed when I saw Riley’s letter; that a nine year old girl had the courage to use her voice to call attention to an issue and keep us accountable. She was focused on the opportunity for ALL girls, not just herself. She’s been an amazing catalyst for change – not only with my product but also with the entire Under Armour brand. She is inspiring, and wise beyond her years.”
– Stephen Curry

喺史蒂芬居里回信提到,想邀請 Riley 妹妹參與 Under Armour & Stephen Curry 特別任務;任務就係想佢幫手畫一幅畫、再將設計放入 Curry 6 鞋墊上,創作出國際婦女節特別 Curry 6 ICON 配色 “United We Win”

鞋墊上面有兩位小妹妹打籃球、另外有幾個啟發自 Riley 敢於發聲嘅訊息:
”Be Fearless”
“Girl Power”
“Be the Change”
“Girls Hoop Too”
“Rock the Currys”

“I’ve been kinda blown away, and certainly grateful for the opportunities that Stephen has given me, including sharing inspiration for other girls through the sockliner art. This has been such an incredible experience.”
– Riley Morrison


UA ICON Curry 6 “United We Win” 系列將於 美國 Under Armour 網站及 SC30 x Oakland pop-up shop (472 9th Street)發售;所得款項將會撥捐俾 Stephen & Ayesha Curry 基金會與 UA 公同創立獎學金,以紀念 Riley 勇敢精神。而獎學金將頒發給來自 Oakland 灣區的一名有資格的女大學生,該項 30,000美元獎學金每年於國際婦女節期間公佈,兩年後支付,並要求接受同學,每學期參加兩項或更多STEM相關課程,同時保持最低3.0 GPA。

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